13 September 2009

The outpouring of support (WARNING: Sarcasm Ahead!)

So I did not plan on my transition out of CAFETY to be quick and simple.

I received the gamut of e-mails, which I will take a sarcastic viewpoint and describe some of them to the point of being outrageous:

First there was the "Thank You's". I guess it is a good thing that all my hard work was recognized AFTER I resigned from the board.

On the second day, came the "RRAAAAWWWRRRR!!!!".

On the third day, I received the "please don't leave, we are all too much alike." Apparently some were smart enough to recognize that most of CAFETY thinks the exact same way. Since I am not one of those traditional thinkers, they seem afraid of boring board meetings and everyone acting like Eeyore. I might send them a Glenn Beck book. :-)

On the fourth day I received another e-mail, this one I am going to directly quote,

"In your case I think you represent a specific group, I know many of my old program buddies who have joined the army or another branch of military service, and most of them don't even know how to start talking about what happened to them in in the program, most of them don't even understand what effect it still has on them. Who would speak for them if you weren't around?"

I have never met another program grad in the military that could talk about it. Many flock to the military because it provides similar structure, because the world is a "scary place." I joined because I was destined to a military career from the first time I shot a gun. If I completely silence myself, then all of those service members will be silenced.

I cannot let them down like that.

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