27 September 2009

You can only save those who are willing

So despite my efforts and the risk I put myself and my wife in, she allowed the abusive husband back into her house. She allowed him to manipulate her. The worst part, is that she knows she is being manipulated. She is scared.

I heard her tone of voice and all I heard was myself back in Casa by the Sea. I heard the truth covered up by fear. I could feel him watching her, listening to her every word and preparing a manipulative lie to cover up what really happened.

The same lies I had to vocalize while I was at Casa by the Sea. "Everything is going good here, the food could be better" when I wanted to say "PLEASE SAVE ME!!!" I know that I cannot save everyone, I am but one man. I know that my karma is clear, for in many ways I have sacrificed my well-being to make sure this spouse is taken care of. I am being sent to the DMZ in Korea because I saw something wrong and reported it.

It really sucks being the good guy.

26 September 2009

I am being retaliated against by the Army.

I received an e-mail yesterday from my platoon sergeant. This e-mail said that I have come down on orders.... to Korea. My report date is June of 2010. However there are a few problems with this.

The Army has what is called an "AEA" code. This code determines if you are eligible for reassignment. About one month ago it was "W", meaning that I am not eligible for orders. I checked it on Friday and it was changed to "L", eligible for PCS.

My current duty assignment is a 36 month tour. I have only been here for 18 months. Also, the end of my enlistment comes so soon after the report date on these orders that I could not go to Korea.

Now comes the grand finale. Out of the 20+ people I arrived here with, I am the only one with orders. Each person on orders has one thing in common. There is me, my best friend (we are called the Wonder Twins), and the wife beater whom I blew the whistle on. I smell something fishy, like someone is doing this on purpose. What do we all have in common? I am the whistleblower, my friend is the accomplice, and the wife beater is the problem child. Someone wants to get rid of us, silence us.

20 September 2009

Madness continues

So where to begin.....

A high-ranking enlisted soldier tried to intimidate a domestic violence victim over the phone. This same high-ranking enlisted soldier then called me the next day and was looking for information to save his or her own ass. I said so much, yet I took a page from my wife's political science books and said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Unfortunately for this high-ranking enlisted soldier, I recorded the entire conversation. This is the conversation where he or she:

1. Calls me a "little bastard"
2. Calls the domestic violence victim "crazy"
3. Admits that he or she remembers when I said "she is in a dangerous situation" back in February.

I wish they would just leave me along. They messed up, accept the consequences and move on! The important part is that she is safe. She will not be hurt again.

17 September 2009

As I tread on eggshells

I would love to go into details, but for my own protection it is best to keep this vague. No, this is not warrantless wiretapping or anything else like that. It is protecting the welfare of the Army family.

I blew a huge whistle today. I saw something wrong, something that had been wrong for 7 months. I was concerned for reprisals. I did not know what would happen to me, my career, or my family. The affirmations of protection offered to me by the government seemed superficial, not knowing what would actually happen to me.

I gathered the courage and made my complaint today. I told the right person, at the right time. I know that I did the right thing, morally, ethically, and as a Soldier.

My conscience is clear, knowing that I helped save a woman's life and ensured that her and her baby will be taken care of. I cannot ask anymore of myself. Soldiers with integrity and personal convictions are now defending this woman. Instead of those who lack any semblance of intestinal fortitude.

13 September 2009

The outpouring of support (WARNING: Sarcasm Ahead!)

So I did not plan on my transition out of CAFETY to be quick and simple.

I received the gamut of e-mails, which I will take a sarcastic viewpoint and describe some of them to the point of being outrageous:

First there was the "Thank You's". I guess it is a good thing that all my hard work was recognized AFTER I resigned from the board.

On the second day, came the "RRAAAAWWWRRRR!!!!".

On the third day, I received the "please don't leave, we are all too much alike." Apparently some were smart enough to recognize that most of CAFETY thinks the exact same way. Since I am not one of those traditional thinkers, they seem afraid of boring board meetings and everyone acting like Eeyore. I might send them a Glenn Beck book. :-)

On the fourth day I received another e-mail, this one I am going to directly quote,

"In your case I think you represent a specific group, I know many of my old program buddies who have joined the army or another branch of military service, and most of them don't even know how to start talking about what happened to them in in the program, most of them don't even understand what effect it still has on them. Who would speak for them if you weren't around?"

I have never met another program grad in the military that could talk about it. Many flock to the military because it provides similar structure, because the world is a "scary place." I joined because I was destined to a military career from the first time I shot a gun. If I completely silence myself, then all of those service members will be silenced.

I cannot let them down like that.

05 September 2009

Letter of resignation

Due to recent events, I will no longer be volunteering or assisting with the mission of CAFETY. Below is my letter of resignation from the organization.


I found CAFETY back in 2006. I was in Iraq at the time, looking for an organization to volunteer with. I found HEAL, and quickly left their website due to such strong partisanship. I also found ISACCORP, whose director told me that she did not want a military person working with her organization. After weeks of looking, I found a small start-up called CAFETY. CAFETY was the first group who actually accepted me for the occupation I chose. At the same time, my views were appreciated.

Since the beginning, I acknowledged one simple fact. Nothing can be accomplished through an unbalanced approach. Just as important as our mission is how it is accomplished. Intense government interference will not solve the residential treatment issue; many of the offending programs are already sponsored by some level of government (Judge Rottenberg Center) or accredited by a government agency (Mount Bachelor Academy). On the other side of the coin, deregulation will merely increase the chances of abuse, not accomplishing the mission of CAFETY. In my opinion and following rational-choice theory, the best ground to stand on is that of the center. A centrist stance to residential treatment reform allows us to capture a larger audience without disenfranchising survivors, parents, or potential volunteers.

Examining the political stances of the new board of directors, it is clear that predisposition to personal viewpoints was involved. Myself, a 3-year volunteer with countless hours dedicated to the cause, and our financial sponsor were both voted off of the board. The only commonality between the two of us is our political views; moderate, centrist, libertarian. While I am not discounting the credentials or experience of the new members on the board of directors, it is clear that my participation is neither appreciated, recognized, or needed any longer.

I therefore resign any affiliation with the organization known as CAFETY. I will not speak for CAFETY in any public function, nor will I endorse, defame, or support the mission of CAFETY.

Eric Beasley