17 September 2009

As I tread on eggshells

I would love to go into details, but for my own protection it is best to keep this vague. No, this is not warrantless wiretapping or anything else like that. It is protecting the welfare of the Army family.

I blew a huge whistle today. I saw something wrong, something that had been wrong for 7 months. I was concerned for reprisals. I did not know what would happen to me, my career, or my family. The affirmations of protection offered to me by the government seemed superficial, not knowing what would actually happen to me.

I gathered the courage and made my complaint today. I told the right person, at the right time. I know that I did the right thing, morally, ethically, and as a Soldier.

My conscience is clear, knowing that I helped save a woman's life and ensured that her and her baby will be taken care of. I cannot ask anymore of myself. Soldiers with integrity and personal convictions are now defending this woman. Instead of those who lack any semblance of intestinal fortitude.

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