13 August 2009

The true failure of the Army mental health care system.

I retrieved my medical records a few days ago. I was looking around in them, seeing what I even had in there. When I came across the records from my incarceration in December. There are records of my forced ER visit to Walter Reed. There are records of what the doctors diagnosed. Now do not misunderstand me, the doctors and nurses wrote exactly what I had said. The papers say something along the lines of :

Servicemember was admitted to WRAMC (Walter Reed Army Medical Center) because therapist reported SM (servicemember) was experiencing HI (homicidal intents) and SI (suicidal intents).

That's fine and dandy. That is what was reported, put it in there. However here is my issue with my current medical record.

As far as the Army is concerned, I am still suicidal and homicidal. No follow up messages, nothing to indicate that their entire reporting system is flawed beyond repair.

Let's address the real issue at hand here. The Army does not know how to handle mental health.

Say I want to speak to someone confidentially. Say I am having disturbing thoughts come into my head and I cannot get rid of them. There is absolutely no way that I can discuss such secrets without the risk of disclosure to my military bosses. I cannot speak with a therapist, counselor, chaplain, or lawyer about what is going on inside my head. The military does not have a single outlet to talk through such problems.

If I tell a therapist, counselor, chaplain, or lawyer something along the lines of "I keep having these thoughts come into my head, about hurting myself and others. I want to talk about them and work through them," then I would be escorted to a medical facility. I would be put on suicide watch, stripped of everything I could kill myself with, and undergo intensive psychiatric evaluations for days. I would be subjected to the same treatment which I went through while being escorted to Casa by the Sea.

So why would anyone talk to a counselor or therapist? Why would a single soldier admit they have a problem and try to work through it?

This is why the suicide rate for the Army jumped to 75 in a year. This is why veterans come home and keep it all bottled up. This is what is truly killing veterans of the military, the lack of confidentiality in the mental health care system.

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